A man in the USA received nearly 500 years in prison: what the criminal did.

Materialization of criminal acts: a man from the USA received a long prison sentence
Чоловік з США отримав величезний термін ув'язнення: подробиці його злочинної діяльності.

In Georgia, a man was sentenced to 475 years in prison for organizing dog fights and animal cruelty. This sentence is the harshest known punishment for similar crimes. NBC News reports on this.

The investigation began in November 2022 after an Amazon courier noticed dogs tied with chains in the convicted man's yard and reported it to the police. Law enforcement found 107 animals in horrific conditions when they arrived on the scene.

Most of the dogs were pit bulls, but there were also other breeds among them. The dogs were kept in the basement and not allowed outside. The living conditions inside were extremely poor, and the animals were suffering from hunger.

The investigation showed that the convicted man participated in organizing dog fights and trained the dogs to be aggressive. His home contained special training equipment, documents related to other fight participants, as well as a first aid kit with medications for the animals and contracts for their sale.

A veterinary examination revealed that most of the dogs had scars from fights, and some of them were missing teeth. Some of the abused animals were confiscated, while the rest were handed over to the charity organization 'Friends of the Forlorn Animal Rescue.'

It is unknown whether the convicted man will appeal his sentence. During the trial, he denied his guilt.

In Turkey, harsh sentences were also handed down to the organizers of a pyramid scheme

In Turkey, the organizers of a financial pyramid scheme called 'Farmer's Bank' were sentenced to 45.3 thousand years in prison. TRT reported this. Initially, the prosecution sought to sentences for the defendants to amount to 88 thousand years. The specified term includes accusations for 4,414 lawsuits from each of the victims and three additional separate criminal episodes.

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