Ukraine Sharply Increased Export and Import of Goods.

Image of goods export and import
Image of goods export and import

According to Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kachka, in July the export of Ukrainian goods increased by 9% to $2.97 billion, and imports grew by 10% to $5.3 billion.

"9% growth in export in July compared to June. The absolute numbers, however, almost Olympic-like, barely fell short of three billion: $2 billion 969 million. At the same Time, such growth occurred despite the fact that the physical volume of exports in July was 0.6% less than in June. The main reason – seasonal shifts in the agricultural crops that are exported. The volumes of exported corn continue to decrease – 1.56 million tons, 44.4% less than in June and 2.5 times less than at the peak in April, when we exported 4.1 million tons of corn," Kachka said.

At the same time, there is an increase in the export of wheat, rapeseed, and barley. The export of wheat increased by 44% to 1.58 million tons, the export of rapeseed by 13.5% to 277 thousand tons, and the export of barley almost doubled to 580 thousand tons.

"But it is worth noting that in our export structure there are 38 categories of goods, the monthly export of which exceeds $10 million. For example, glass containers (code 7010), the export of which over the past 12 months has not fallen below $10 million and in some months reached $12 million. Or carpentry and joinery products (4418), whose export usually amounts to between $14 and $16 million per month. Or furniture (9403), whose export over the year gradually increased from a range of $34-35 to $38-40 million per month. In July, this category of goods showed an export of $37.9 million. In metallurgy, there were also records – 219 thousand tons of iron semi-finished products (7207), this is the best indicator during the war, +83% from June," Kachka noted.

By types of transport, there were slight changes: maritime transport decreased by 0.4%, rail by 3%, and road transport increased by 5.5% compared to June.

"The geographical distribution of exports remains. $1.67 billion (56%) goes to the EU, among which the leaders in purchasing Ukrainian goods are Poland ($358 million), Spain ($190 million), Germany ($178 million), the Netherlands ($147 million), and Italy ($136 million). Exports to China decreased by 3.1%, but remain the largest among other (non-EU) countries – $175 million. Exports to Egypt increased by 17.5% in July compared to June to $143 million. Even more growth in exports to Turkey +32.7% and $134 million. And very good indicators in trade with India +137% and $89 million. In the top 10 non-EU export recipients – Republic of Moldova ($87 million), Lebanon ($44 million), Algeria ($39.5 million), USA ($39.2 million), Israel ($39 million), Indonesia ($38.5 million). Therefore, the development of a network of free trade agreements with Mediterranean countries will always be our priority, no matter the security situation in relations between these countries," Kachka said.

Imports in July amounted to $5.3 billion, among which a significant share consists of fuel, cars, medicines, complex fertilizers and electricity.

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