Ukraine proposed an innovative gas supply scheme to Europe, - Media.

Ukraine proposes innovative gas supply scheme to Europe
Ukraine proposes innovative gas supply scheme to Europe

According to the publication RBC-Ukraine, Ukraine proposed to Azerbaijan and Slovakia a new gas supply mechanism to European countries. Official comments from the parties on this issue have not yet been received.

According to the proposal, the gas during transportation will pass through Ukrainian underground storage facilities. This will allow avoiding the classification of this process as transit and instead consider it as gas re-export.

If Slovakia accepts the proposal, it will be able to purchase gas at the eastern border of Ukraine or at the entry point on the border of Azerbaijan and Russia, store it in Ukrainian storages, and then use it for its own needs or sell it to other countries.

Currently, this scheme exists only as a concept and has not yet received final confirmations from Azerbaijan and Slovakia.

The participation of Russia in supplies is inevitable and requires agreements on the transit of gas through its territory and the security of Ukraine's gas transportation system facilities.

Recall that Ukraine is ready for reverse gas supplies after the completion of transit with the Russian Federation.

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