Ukraine significantly outpaces EU countries in terms of carbon-free energy share — Galushchenko.

Ukraine surpasses EU countries in carbon-free energy
Ukraine surpasses EU countries in carbon-free energy

Ukraine's Minister of Energy, Herman Galushchenko, noted that Ukraine surpasses many European countries in the use of decarbonized energy.

Today, most of the country's electricity is produced without carbon dioxide emissions, which is a better result than in many European countries. This indicates a successful "green" transformation of Ukraine.

Galushchenko stressed that the war has made adjustments to the country's energy transformation plans. It was decided to actively promote these plans due to constant attacks on energy infrastructure. The minister noted that despite the difficulties, Ukraine continues to move towards "green" energy and increases its energy independence.

The war has become a catalyst for accelerating energy reforms in Ukraine and has shown that the country is ready for decarbonization and increasing its energy independence.

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