Ukrzaliznytsia stops selling tickets on routes from Lviv to Warsaw.

Ticket sales Lviv-Warsaw discontinued
Ticket sales Lviv-Warsaw discontinued

Ukrzaliznytsia stops selling tickets on the Rava-Ruska – Warsaw route from September 22, 2024, due to the expiration of the agreement with the Polish company SKPL. This information was disclosed by Viktor Halchynskyi, a board member of the NGO "".

The Rava-Ruska – Warsaw route, which has been operating for almost a year, is the fastest way to travel from Lviv to the Polish capital. But ceasing its operation could negatively affect passenger traffic between the countries.

The Polish company PKP Intercity has shown interest in this route and even applied for permission from the Polish regulatory body. However, the chances of obtaining permission by September 21 are very small.

The management of SKPL and Ukrzaliznytsia aim to preserve this popular route, but negotiations are complicated. It is currently unknown whether a solution will be found to resume traffic on this route in the near future. Passengers who planned trips on this route after September 21 are advised to look for alternative travel options.

It was previously reported that some trains from Poland and the Czech Republic to Ukraine have been canceled.

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