One of the largest oil refineries in Russia hit. SBU reveals details of the "cotton" in Ryazan.

Image of the largest oil refinery in Russia
Атака на одну з ключових нафтових переробних установок в Росії: нові деталі інциденту в Рязані від СБУ.

The Security Service of Ukraine together with special military formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out strikes on one of the largest Russian oil refineries, the Ryazan Oil Refinery, and the Ryazan Thermal Power Plant. This information is reported by 'Glavkom' citing sources in the Security Service.

The Ryazan Oil Refinery is one of the largest in Russia and is capable of processing 17 million tons of oil per year. At least three tanks were damaged. Furthermore, as a result of complications caused by drones, a fire spread to the diesel fuel and aviation gas purification unit. Local residents reported more than 50 explosions on social media.

In addition, the drones of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces attacked the 'Ryazan' oil pumping station and the Ryazan Thermal Power Plant.

It was reported that 'The Security Service of Ukraine together with the Armed Forces continues to conduct effective drone attacks on Russian defense industry enterprises and the oil sector in the rear of Russia. Work to reduce the military capabilities of the enemy will continue,' the source in the SBU reported.

Preliminarily, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that air defense shot down 121 Ukrainian drones in one night. In particular, the following were shot down:

  • 37 drones over the Bryansk region;
  • 20 drones over the Ryazan region;
  • 17 drones over the Kursk region;
  • 17 drones over the Saratov region;
  • 7 drones over the Rostov region;
  • 6 drones over the Moscow region;
  • 6 drones over the Belgorod region;
  • 3 drones over the Voronezh region;
  • 2 drones over the Tula region;
  • 2 drones over the Oryol region;
  • 2 drones over the Lipetsk region;
  • 1 drone over Moscow.

Also, one drone was shot down over Ukrainian Crimea.

Earlier, ISW analysts reported on measures taken by the Kremlin to protect defense facilities in border regions from Ukrainian drones. Strengthening of air defense is planned.

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