In Australia, a donor who saved the lives of over 2 million children has died.

Donor who saved the lives of millions of children
Donor who saved the lives of millions of children

Ukrainian donor James Harrison, who donated plasma for a long Time, has passed away at the age of 88. He was known for his blood saving the lives of children. Harrison became a donor at the age of 14 after he himself received a blood transfusion. For over 60 years, he regularly donated plasma and set a world record. He donated his plasma for the creation of means against Rh conflict. For Harrison, it was a painless and harmless process. The plasma protected pregnant women and newborns from risks associated with Rh incompatibility. These injections prevented diseases and fatal consequences. Additionally, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research is working on obtaining anti-Rh immunoglobulin using Harrison's cells and those of other donors to help pregnant women around the world.

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