Spring warmth in Ukraine will be replaced by frosts up to -9: Didenko said when to expect it.

Weather for spring
Після весняного потепління в Україні слід очікувати різке зниження температури до -9 градусів.

Weather in Ukraine: cold and frosty days are expected soon

According to the forecast of meteorologist Natalia Didenko, on Sunday, January 12, there will be cold or cool weather in Ukraine. During the next week, the temperature will drop to -4 to -9 degrees. The main frosty periods will be in the evening, morning, and night, with the coldest day expected on January 14.

At night on Sunday, the temperature will be -1 to -4 degrees, in the south and southeast - 0 to +2 degrees. During the day, the air temperature will be close to zero, with slight frosts in the west, central part, and east, as well as +2 to +7 degrees in the south.

Didenko warned about icy roads and urged to be careful on the roads. Snow and wet snow may fall in the western and northern regions, but no precipitation is expected in the rest of the country.

In Kyiv, at night, the temperature will be -1 to -3 degrees, and during the day it will be around zero. However, significant precipitation is not expected in the capital. According to the meteorologist's forecast, it will warm up slightly later, but starting from January 16.

It was previously reported that there will be a significant drop in temperature in Ukraine.

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