The Military Spoke About Whether the Ukrainian Army Managed to Eradicate Sovietism.

Ukrainian soldier training on the shooting range
Ukrainian soldier training on the shooting range

The Ukrainian army is approaching NATO standards, but the Soviet system is still present in the leadership. This was reported by Viktor Khamec, a soldier of the 47th brigade, in a joint project of «Ukrinform» and the Center for Countering Disinformation.

We have taken a small step closer to NATO standards, but this step is currently effective at the grassroots level, in companies, battalions, and some brigades. However, unfortunately, at the top levels, in the leadership, Sovietism still exists - and this is a big problem
, Khamec said.

According to Khamec, the Soviet system remains in the army because the leadership is unwilling to learn and change:

Unfortunately, there are still many senior officers in the army who received Soviet education and are unwilling to learn, understand, and change

The military added that battalion commanders are not eager to surpass the level of leadership because they cannot change the system.

This will change if changes start at the top, at the corps level, the General Staff, and so on. I know many battalion commanders, and they do not want to climb higher because the system will change them, and they themselves will not be able to influence the system
, emphasized the fighter of the 47th brigade.

Earlier, the commander of battalion K-2 of the 54th separate mechanized brigade named after Hetman Ivan Mazepa, Lieutenant Colonel Kyrylo Veres, expressed regret about the situation. Also, the commander of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile division, Yaroslav Melnyk, reported that the age of soldiers who join his unit exceeds 35 years, and there are significantly fewer 20-year-old young men.

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