User spending on mobile AI applications increased by 200%.

Graph of user spending growth on mobile AI applications
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Spending on mobile applications with artificial intelligence has doubled

According to the annual State of Mobile report by Sensor Tower, users spent nearly $1.1 billion on mobile applications with artificial intelligence features in 2024. This is an increase of over 200% compared to the previous year.

The popularity of generative artificial intelligence applications, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Doubao from ByteDance, contributed to this spending growth. Overall, global spending on mobile applications reached $150 billion, which is 13% more than the previous year.

This increase reflects the growing popularity of mobile applications with artificial intelligence among users. According to Sensor Tower, in 2024, users spent 7.7 billion hours engaging with such applications. These applications were downloaded 17 billion times, and ChatGPT has over 50 million active users per month.

The release of new AI language models, such as GPT-4o from OpenAI, also heightened user interest throughout the year. User spending and engagement remained consistently high, even after announcements of new models.

If this trend continues, AI applications could significantly impact the mobile application economy. The State of Mobile report predicts that this sector will strengthen the role of artificial intelligence in consumer technologies.

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