Enemy losses as of September 20, 2024 – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Enemy losses as of September 20, 2024 - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Enemy losses as of September 20, 2024 - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of the morning of Friday, September 20, 2024, updated data on the losses of Russian occupiers in the war with Ukraine have been announced.

Russian losses as of September 20, 2024

The following losses of the Russian Federation are reported:

  • Personnel - approximately 639,480 (+1,340) individuals.
  • Tanks - 8,725 (+20) units.
  • Armored fighting vehicles - 17,132 (+39) units.
  • Artillery systems - 18,212 (+35) units.
  • MLRS - 1,189 (+0) units.
  • Air defense systems - 949 (+2) units.
  • Aircraft - 369 (+0) units.
  • Helicopters - 328 (+0) units.
  • Operational-tactical UAVs - 15,469 (+52) units.
  • Cruise missiles - 2,593 (+1) units.
  • Ships / boats - 28 (+0) units.
  • Submarines - 1 (+0) unit.
  • Vehicles and fuel tanks - 24,898 (+59) units.
  • Special equipment - 3,115 (+6) units.

Data are being clarified.

Occupants' fleet activity on September 20

  • In the Black Sea, one enemy ship capable of launching four Kalibr missiles was registered.
  • No enemy ships were detected in the Sea of Azov.
  • In the Mediterranean Sea, five enemy ships were registered, four of which are capable of launching 32 Kalibr missiles.

During the day, the following ships passed through the Kerch Strait in the interests of the Russian Federation:

  • To the Black Sea - nine ships, none of which continued towards the Bosphorus Strait.
  • To the Sea of Azov - five ships, one of which moved from the Bosphorus Strait.

The Russian Federation continues to violate the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) of 1974, by turning off Automatic Identification Systems (AIS).

Today marks the 940th day of the full-scale war in Ukraine.

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