A submerged ancient mansion unexpectedly emerged from a lake in Italy.

The submerged ancient mansion at Lake Fusaro in Italy
The submerged ancient mansion at Lake Fusaro in Italy

The ruins of an ancient Roman residence that was submerged were found in Lake Fusaro near Naples. This was reported by the mayor of Bacoli, Josi Gerardo Della Ragione. He emphasized the significance of this discovery and suggested that there could have been a thermal bath in the building.

According to scientists, the ruins surfaced due to the movement of magmatic masses or hydrothermal solutions through bradyseismic activity. In recent years, the area of the Phlegraean Fields has experienced land uplift, which changed the coastline and allowed ancient structures to be found. The Phlegraean Fields are known for their volcanic activity.

The palace buildings near Lake Fusaro were submerged after earthquakes, but one of the residences has reappeared. Experts from the Department of Archaeology, Art, and Landscape Design of Naples are studying this discovery and suggest it could have been a villa with thermal pools.

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Previously, archaeologists discovered remnants of a 2000-year-old Roman city beneath an office basement in London. The ruins of an ancient Roman basilica were found under a building on Gracechurch Street.

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