Instead of Dumskaya Square – Birzhevaya. Dozens of streets and squares have been renamed in Odessa.

Renamed streets in Odessa
Renamed streets in Odessa

The city authorities of Odessa have decided to rename a number of streets in the city. The list of new names was approved by an order of the head of the Odessa City Council, Oleg Kiper.

Thus, Dumskaya Square will now become Birzhevaya, Gagarin Avenue will be renamed Lesya Ukrainka Avenue, and Zhvanetsky Boulevard will be renamed Naval Forces Boulevard.

Pushkinskaya Street will return to its former name - Italian, and the monument to the writer on Primorsky Boulevard, according to the editorial information, is being considered for relocation.

Leo Tolstoy Square will be named after the famous director Kira Muratova. Dobrovolsky Avenue will be renamed Volodymyr the Great Avenue, and Academician Glushko Avenue will be named Prince Yaroslav the Wise Avenue.

Paustovsky Street will be named after the 28th brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign. Rear Admiral Lunina Street will be named after the fallen commander of the Knights, Vitaliy Gulyaev, previously it was proposed to rename Gagarin Avenue in his honor.

Lyapunov Lane in the city center, near the Odessa Art Museum, will be named after Alexander Roitburd; this name was previously proposed for the renaming of Leo Tolstoy Square.

It was previously reported that hundreds of streets were renamed in Kyiv.

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