Teachers' Salaries: Will Payments Increase in 2025.

Increased payments to teachers in 2025
Increased payments to teachers in 2025

In the draft budget for 2025, expenditures on teachers' salaries will remain at the 2024 level. Total spending on education will decrease due to military needs and dependence on international aid.

This was reported by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Andriy Stashkiv in an interview for the media. Stashkiv noted that despite the decrease in the number of students in schools, the amount of funds allocated in the draft budget for 2025 remains at the same level as in 2024. This includes an educational subsidy, which is the main source of funding for teachers' salaries.

However, it is worth noting that overall spending on the education sector is planned to decrease compared to 2024. If the current year's education budget was almost 175 billion hryvnias, then in 2025 this amount will be at the level of 167 billion. Despite this, the largest portion of these funds, namely 103 billion hryvnias, will be directed towards salary payments for education sector workers. This is an extremely important point, as these expenses determine the stability of the education system and the ability to maintain human capital.

The current situation with state finances in Ukraine is very difficult. A large portion of the state budget is directed towards military funding, which is natural in the context of the ongoing military conflict. This was previously stated by the head of the educational committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Serhiy Babak. He emphasized that currently, the medical, social, and educational sectors are funded mainly through international aid. Such dependence on foreign financial support further complicates the possibility of increasing expenditures on internal needs, particularly teachers' salaries.

Minister of Education and Science Oxen Lisovyy spoke about the possibility of increasing teachers' salaries after the end of the war. In his opinion, changes in the size of teachers' payouts should not be expected for now. At the same Time, the minister reported that the Ministry of Education and Science has already developed a concept for salary increases, which is included in the final provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. However, at the moment, the state budget does not allow for the implementation of these changes.

Lisovyy also emphasized the importance of a decent salary level for teachers, particularly for attracting youth to teaching activities in schools and vocational institutions. He stressed that salary increases are a necessary incentive for self-development and professional growth of teachers, but the current economic conditions do not allow for the implementation of these measures.

The Ukrainian education system is currently going through tough times. One of the biggest problems is attracting young specialists to the education sector. Due to low salaries, instability in funding, and significant challenges in teaching activities, many young people do not see a future in this profession. This is especially noticeable in the field of general secondary and vocational education.

Source: OBOZ.UA

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