“Golden” Apples: Ukrainians Forecasted Prices for Popular Fruit in Winter.

Prices for golden apples in winter
Prices for golden apples in winter

Heat in Ukraine Drove Up Apple Prices

Abnormally high temperatures of the Ukrainian summer negatively impacted the apple harvest, which could lead to a rise in prices for this popular fruit. This was reported by Tetyana Popovych, head of the marketing department of the wholesale market “Shuvar”.

According to her, the current apple harvesting season began under extreme high-temperature conditions, creating problems for farmers. Continuing during critical periods of growth and ripening, the heat resulted in reduced yields in many regions of the country.

High temperatures caused accelerated ripening of the fruits, negatively affecting their ability for long-term storage. This makes them less attractive for prolonged storage and transportation.

Tetyana Popovych believes that this situation could lead to a shortage of quality apples in the market, which in turn would result in higher prices for these fruits, especially for the most popular varieties.

At the wholesale market “Shuvar” in Lviv, apple prices have already risen. The average cost of popular varieties ranges from 16.50 UAH/kg for Idared to 20 UAH/kg for Golden. Other popular varieties are sold within 18-18.50 UAH/kg.

Earlier, “Khvylia” reported that the cost of Ukrainian apples compared to last month increased from 31.63 UAH/kg to 36.50 UAH/kg. Prices in different supermarkets also vary.

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