Zhovkva discussed military assistance to Ukraine with a member of the British Parliament.

British parliament member discusses military aid to Ukraine
British parliament member discusses military aid to Ukraine

Deputy Head of the President's Office Ihor Zhovkva met with Andrew Mitchell, a member of the UK and Northern Ireland Parliament from the Conservative Party. Mitchell is on a visit to Ukraine.

Zhovkva noted the importance of relations between Ukraine and the United Kingdom and the support Ukraine receives from the United Kingdom.

"You were the first European country to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine, even before the start of full-scale aggression. You were the first to supply us with long-range weapons. We will always remember this," Zhovkva noted.

During the meeting, ways of assisting in the field of security and defense were discussed, particularly the Victory Plan. The main priority is the supply of long-range weapons and permission to use them against the Russian Federation.

Zhovkva also spoke about the preparation for the second Peace Summit.

Mitchell emphasized the unity of political forces in the UK Parliament regarding support for Ukraine and the Conservative Party's readiness to continue helping.

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