China opposed the forced relocation of Gaza residents.

Protest against forced relocation in China
Китай висловив протест проти примусового переселення мешканців Гази.

The social media platform Facebook has blocked a fake network of accounts from Russia and Ukraine that spread Russian propaganda in Europe and Central Asia.

According to Facebook, this network used over 300 accounts, pages, and groups to disseminate false information and serve Russian interests. Most of these accounts were blocked since their creation.

Facebook found that this network collaborated with networks associated with Russian influence agent Yuri Kutsenko, who previously worked for the 'Russia Today' agency. There is also evidence linking this network to attempts to influence the 2014 elections in the USA.

This blocking is part of Facebook's ongoing efforts to prohibit manipulation and abuse on their platform. The company aims to prevent the spread of false information and ensure user safety, particularly during election campaigns.

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