Gas payment will become more advantageous: 'Naftogaz' announced important changes.

Changes in gas payment: benefit
Оплата за газ стане вигіднішою: 'Нафтогаз' повідомив про важливі нововведення.

Naftogaz of Ukraine continues the initiative 'National Cashback' until 2025

Naftogaz of Ukraine announced that the initiative 'National Cashback' will be extended until 2025. This will allow Ukrainians to accumulate cashback for purchases of domestic goods and use it to pay for gas.

The company reports that this is very good news for consumers, as the program has already shown its effectiveness.

'We remind you, it is convenient and easy to do through: Personal account on, GASUA chatbots in Viber and Telegram, as well as the website without registration,' - reports 'Naftogaz'.

Furthermore, clients who pay for gas online by the 15th of each month can receive an additional 1% discount on the company's services.

Naftogaz previously explained how the cessation of gas transit would affect tariffs.

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