What passengers forgot in the trains of 'Ukrzaliznytsia' in 2024: the most curious cases.

Phone, wallet, umbrella, and jacket
Найбільш незвичайні предмети, залишені пасажирами на потягах 'Укрзалізниці' у 2024 році.

Ukrzaliznytsia finds lost belongings of passengers

During the past year, passengers of 'Ukrzaliznytsia' contacted the railway workers more than 17 thousand times about lost belongings. On its Facebook page, the company shared the most interesting finds that were made.

Among the forgotten items found by railway workers in 2024 were a bucket with eggs, a bow for shooting, a box with live butterflies, a wet swimsuit packed in a bag, a live cat, an electric meat grinder, a diamond cross with a chain, a wallet with 6 thousand dollars, and a green jacket for a dog.

The company returns lost items to passengers in 70% of cases, representatives of 'Ukrzaliznytsia' reported.

The company urges passengers to check for valuable items such as headphones, portable chargers, gadgets, documents, wallets, jewelry, glasses, books, keys, socks, toothbrushes, and more before leaving the train.

It is noted that on New Year's Eve, about 9 thousand passengers spent Time on 'Ukrzaliznytsia' trains. Many employees of the company ensured the infrastructure's operation and made 108 trips.

It was also reported that the company began testing a new menu with full meals on some trains. Passengers can now choose hot dishes.

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