Stubb outlined the key principles of peaceful resolution in Ukraine.

Structure of key principles of peaceful resolution
Суть основ мирного врегулювання ситуації в Україні, представленна Стуббом.

The President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, stated that independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity are the main principles of resolution in Ukraine. He emphasized that without the involvement of Ukraine itself and Europe, peace cannot be achieved.

There are three key principles when we talk about any resolution in Ukraine. First - independence. Second - sovereignty. And third - territorial integrity.

Stubb stressed the need to preserve Ukraine's independence, its right to choose its future, and territorial integrity, while adhering to international law. The President of Finland believes that peace in Ukraine is impossible without Ukraine itself and Europe.

Stubb mentioned a meeting with the President of China, during which the situation in Ukraine and Russia was discussed. He noted that there was a possibility to influence Putin through China's influential position, but he emphasized that the resolution should not depend on China or Russia. The President of Finland expects developments and possible scenarios over the next three to six months.

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