Ukrainians have begun to leave Poland rapidly: what is the reason.

Ukrainians are migrating from Poland back home
Українці стрімко покидають Польщу: що стало причиною цього явища?

According to Eurostat, Ukrainian refugees are increasingly leaving Poland and moving to Germany and other Western European countries. The number of Ukrainians in Germany exceeds those in Poland by 150,000 people.

The reason for this migration is inadequate conditions for integrating foreign workers in Poland. Many Ukrainians express dissatisfaction with realizing their professional potential and are forced to seek jobs in other countries with better working conditions.

This situation poses a serious demographic problem for Poland. To attract more immigrants, the country must create attractive working conditions, development opportunities, and ensure social guarantees and a comfortable living environment.

If Poland does not make the necessary changes, it will face the loss of qualified workers who view it as a temporary stage on their way to Western European countries with better opportunities.

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