In Ukraine, a large-scale scheme for the illegal export of evaders abroad has been uncovered: involved were military enlistment offices, medical commissions, and commissions for military service.

Scheme for the export of evaders abroad
В Україні виявлено масштабну схему нелегального вивозу ухилянтів за кордон, в якій брали участь військові комісаріати та медичні комісії.

A large-scale operation against illegal border crossing has been conducted

The National Police of Ukraine has announced the conduct of a large-scale special operation, during which over 600 searches were carried out and more than 60 suspects were identified among the organizers and participants of schemes for illegal transportation of persons across the state border. This information was provided by the press service of the National Police.

In one day, police uncovered nearly fifty schemes for illegal border crossing by draft-age men in 22 regions of Ukraine. Among the identified schemes were crossings outside checkpoints, forgery of medical documents, and fictitious entries in the information system 'Shlyakh'.

Top officials of hospitals of various levels, as well as representatives of military enlistment offices, medical commissions, military medical commissions, and ordinary citizens who attracted clients through acquaintances and closed Telegram channels, turned out to be among the persons involved in the case. Draft-age men attempting to evade conscription were charged between 5,000 and 22,000 dollars for illegal border crossing.

The money obtained was used by criminals for legalization through the purchase of cars and real estate, and in some cases, they transported them to offshore zones.

The first stage of the special operation is currently completed, while pre-trial investigations continue. The police are continuing to clarify the involvement of other individuals in the organization of schemes for the illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine during wartime.

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