How the level of trust of Ukrainians in Zelensky has changed: poll.

Level of trust of Ukrainians in Zelensky
Level of trust of Ukrainians in Zelensky

According to a KIIS poll, after the 2019 elections, 80% of Ukrainians trusted Zelensky. However, this figure declined to 59% in September 2024.

After the RF invasion of Ukraine, the level of trust in the president rose to 90%. But in May 2024, it decreased to 59%. Now 59% of Ukrainians trust Zelensky, while 37% do not trust him.

The poll shows that in all regions of Ukraine the situation with the trust-distrust balance is similar.

"The East stands out somewhat, where 51% trust and 45% do not trust. In other regions, the trust level is slightly higher - 58-62% compared to 35-38% who do not trust," - note in KIIS.

Recall that over 66% of Ukrainians highly rate and consider the government's measures to combat the energy crisis effective. 12% consider them completely effective, and 54% - rather effective.

It is noted that in the last year, Americans' views on U.S. spending to support Ukraine in the conditions of war have changed. Now fewer people believe that Washington spends excessive funds on helping Kyiv in its fight against Russian aggression.

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