Biden Approved Unprecedented Nuclear Strategic Plan - Media.

Protests against Biden's nuclear strategy
Protests against Biden's nuclear strategy

US President Joe Biden approved a secret nuclear strategic plan emphasizing the expansion of China's nuclear capabilities. According to The New York Times, this strategy envisions potential conflicts of the US with Russia, North Korea, and China.

This is the first Time in history that multiple states are recognized as potential threats simultaneously. The document is highly classified and available only to select Pentagon officials.

An official announcement of the strategy's approval has not been made, but two senior officials have confirmed the changes. Experts note that Russia and China are developing cooperation and conventional weapons, which North Korea and Iran provide to Russia for the war in Ukraine, have significantly altered the US strategy.

The US strategy also takes into account the growing nuclear threat from North Korea. Pyongyang has doubled its nuclear arsenal during Kim Jong Un's rule, making it a serious challenge for the US, especially in terms of possible coordinated threats from Russia and China.

Biden's new strategy also attempts to deter Russia, China, and North Korea simultaneously. This presents unprecedented challenges for the US in nuclear policy.

Source: RBC Ukraine

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