No surprises: Hydrometeorological Center pleased with the weather forecast for the weekend.

Weekend weather forecast
Weekend weather forecast

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center predicts stable dry weather in Ukraine for the weekend of September 21-22. Weather conditions will be determined by a high-pressure field, which will ensure a partly cloudy sky and no precipitation for three days.

This is stated in the weather forecast from the Ukrhydrometcenter, writes "Khvilya".

The temperature regime will be comfortable. At night, the air will be cooler - from 6 to 12 degrees, and on the seashore slightly warmer - 13-18 degrees. During the day, the temperature will rise to a pleasant 21-26 degrees throughout the country, only in the Carpathians it will be cooler - 15-20 degrees.

The wind will be predominantly northern and northeast, moderate - 5-10 meters per second. Such weather conditions create an ideal atmosphere for walks and outdoor recreation.

Recall that forecaster Natalia Didenko published her version of the weekend forecast.

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