Britain in the OSCE: Iran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia poses a direct threat to Europe's security.

Delivery of Russian ballistic missiles by Iran
Delivery of Russian ballistic missiles by Iran

Britain condemns the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia, which threatens not only Ukraine but also European security as a whole.

This was reported by the British representative to the OSCE Neil Holland at a meeting of the organization in Vienna.

"Last week, Russia convened a meeting of the UN Security Council, which was one of the most hypocritical. In it, Russia criticized the support of Ukraine by Western countries. Such cynical use of the Security Council by Russia reflects the double standards and disinformation that are characteristic of Russia's malicious actions on our continent and beyond. At the same Time, a few days before the meeting, it became known that Russia received Iranian ballistic missiles," he said.

The British ambassador stressed that the transfer of Iranian missiles to Russia poses a direct threat to European security, just as Russia's receipt of missiles from North Korea in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

"There is a critical difference between these two situations, which Russia does not recognize. In the first case, weapons are provided to a sovereign state, Ukraine, for defense in accordance with international law. In the second case, the weapons go to Russia, which is waging an aggressive war against its neighbor, violating the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. Moreover, these weapons are used to inflict suffering on the civilian population of Ukraine," Holland emphasized.

Source: Ukrinform

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