Demographer explained the harm of long maternity leave in Ukraine.

The impact of prolonged maternity leave on demography
The impact of prolonged maternity leave on demography

The Director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ella Libanova, stated that it is not necessary to increase the birth rate in Ukraine, but it is necessary to create conditions for women to combine career and family. She believes that this will promote women's earnings and the country's demography.

Ella Libanova refers to the research of Claudia Goldin, who proved that flexible work schedules and childcare opportunities are more important for women's earnings than gender quotas. In this regard, the expert recommends the Ukrainian government to develop a system of preschool institutions, particularly for one-year-old children.

The Director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences does not support the idea that mothers should stay at home until their children are three years old, as this can negatively affect their professional future. She emphasizes that this approach can lead to a decrease in the desire of couples to have more than one child.

Earlier, Ella Libanova stated the need to attract 300,000 migrants annually to maintain the population of Ukraine at the level of 30 million. She also predicts that in 2033 the population will fluctuate between 26 and 35 million. The Director of the Institute also believes that after the war there will be a high demand for builders in Ukraine, who will have to be invited from abroad.

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