Documents Are No Longer Valid: Ukrainians Explained What to Do Now.

Documents Are No Longer Valid
Documents Are No Longer Valid

Ukrainians Must Obtain Duplicates of Their Laminated Documents in Paper Form

Many citizens have decided to protect their important documents by laminating them to keep them in a safe condition. However, according to new legislation, laminated documents are no longer considered valid and organizations may refuse to accept them.

Therefore, all owners of these documents are advised to obtain duplicates in paper form to avoid problems confirming their authenticity in the future. Laminating makes it difficult to determine the originality of the document and often becomes a reason for refusal to accept it in official institutions.

If you find yourself in such a situation, the best solution would be to obtain an official duplicate without lamination in advance. This will provide you with peace of mind and confidence that your documents will be accepted by any organization.

It is also important to remind that Ukrainians were told how to act when canceling a mobilization reservation.

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