"Houses were swept away along with people": the Belomorkanal burst in Russian Karelia.

Houses collapsed along with people
Houses collapsed along with people

The partition between the locks of the Belomorsk-Baltic Canal was washed away

In the Republic of Karelia (RF), an accident occurred, resulting in the washing away of the partition between the 10th and 11th locks of the Belomorsk-Baltic Canal. This was reported by the head of the republic Artur Parfenchikov. As a result, several houses were flooded, one person died, nine were injured, and six more are missing. It was noted that near the washed-away partition there is a summer cottage cooperative where at least 11 people live. Search and rescue operations and medical assistance to the victims are currently underway.

Local residents who were not affected by the accident filmed a video from the scene, showing how the water flow sweeps away everything in its path. According to them, the partition between the locks was completely washed away, and the houses that previously stood in this area were swept away. As a result of the accident, the summer cottage cooperative and neighboring settlements were flooded.

Let us remind you that earlier in Russia there was a drone attack on an oil depot, resulting in a fire.

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