Dominance of the Russian Army on the Battlefield is Ending - Media.

Russian army's dominance on the battlefield is ending
Russian army's dominance on the battlefield is ending

Russia began its offensive on the frontline when Ukraine was in a vulnerable state. The most pessimistic forecasts for this summer were based on a critical Ukrainian shortage of personnel, ammunition, and prepared defensive positions. Each of these problems began to be addressed, although belatedly.

As The Telegraph writes, in April, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the mobilization law.

"The stated figures are classified, but sources familiar with the matter said that several times more troops were gathered in a month than before. In the coming months, they will begin to massively arrive at the front," the publication writes.

Also, in April, the US Congress approved a military aid package shortly before the attack on Kharkiv. The arrival of this package has already reduced, but not eliminated, Russia's advantage in ammunition. The appearance of F-16 fighters is expected this summer.

"All of this means that Russia's dominance on the battlefield is likely to be shattered by winter. And Moscow has its own headaches. Russia's stock of armored vehicles is not running out, but its reserves are depleting," the publication notes.

Russia has also recently increased the salary offer for volunteers, indicating recruitment problems. It may eventually have to slow the pace of its operations.

Source: UNIAN

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