Two wars or a stolen state.

Stolen state, outbreak of war, chaos
Stolen state, outbreak of war, chaos

Ukraine is fighting two wars. The first is the struggle against the occupier who seeks to destroy Ukraine. This is clear, but we must prove that we are on our way to care and fight. The second war is even more dangerous because we are fighting for the return of the stolen state. Ukrainian statehood should be a common cause for all citizens, not a means of enriching politicians and businessmen. We must understand that it is important to build a true Res Publica - a state that will serve the people.

We need victory not only on the front, but also in the restoration of the state. We have a chance to create a new Ukraine, but only if we can re-privatize the state and make it a common cause for all Ukrainians. Our uprisings have already failed to bring radical changes three times, but we must seize this chance. Our goal should be not only independence, but also the creation of an effective state that works for the benefit of all citizens.

For viewing, we recommend: "We need a break and a change of power": Ukraine is falling apart. Hennadiy Druzenko.

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