The expert explained how much Russia will lose from the gas break with the EU.

Russia's losses from gas rupture with the EU
Russia's losses from gas rupture with the EU

The readiness of the European Union to manage without Russian gas is beneficial for Ukraine

According to the oil and gas market expert Mikhail Krutikhin, the cessation of Russian gas supplies to the European Union is very beneficial for Ukraine, as it will deprive Russia of annual budget revenues of $6.5 billion.

Krutikhin commented on the relevant statement made by the European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

"The cessation of Russian gas supplies to the EU is very beneficial for Ukraine. Because the Russian Federation received approximately $6.5 billion annually for gas sent to Europe through Ukraine. And now this money will not go to the Russian military budget. And this is a great victory, as Ukraine will only lose $230 million received for transit. This is much less than the benefit of depriving Russia of such funds", - noted Krutikhin.

The expert emphasized that the European Union had previously decided on a complete rejection of Russian gas by 2027. So it is positive that all EU member states can manage without Russian gas as early as this winter.

"The few countries that still receive gas are Hungary through the "Turkish Stream", as well as Austria and Slovakia through transit via Ukraine. If Russian gas supplies via these routes are interrupted, they will be able to buy gas on European trading platforms. Of course, at a somewhat higher price due to competition. But this is the responsibility of these countries' leadership", - noted Krutikhin.

The expert believes that countries had enough Time to secure themselves with reliable alternative routes.

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