Epidemiologists predict dengue fever outbreaks in Europe: what will be the cause.

Symptoms and treatment of dengue fever
Symptoms and treatment of dengue fever

Epidemiologists have created a global map of dengue fever transmission risk and predicted disease outbreaks in Europe due to the proliferation of tiger mosquito vectors. They note that the risk of outbreaks in temperate regions, such as Ukraine, remains low despite the spread of these mosquitoes. However, in Southern France and Northern Italy, the climate creates favorable conditions for the spread of the disease. The study results were published in Nature Communications.

Features of the new virus spread model

The number of dengue cases worldwide increased from 500,000 in 2000 to 4.2 million in 2022. Scientists are looking for new ways to predict the disease in new regions that were previously invulnerable. However, this model takes into account the characteristics of the mosquito itself, which affect the spread of the disease.

Researchers found that large mosquitoes developed in optimal conditions had longer lifespans and were responsible for most virus cases at the initial stages of an outbreak. This confirms a study in the Chinese city of Guangzhou in 2014. With more accurate dengue virus spread predictions, doctors will be able to take action even before an outbreak begins.

Mechanisms of global dengue outbreaks

It has been found that Zika and dengue viruses cause increased production of compounds by infected animals and humans that attract mosquitoes and facilitate virus transmission between individuals.

In southern France, a 44-year-old British tourist contracted dengue fever and later infected her relatives. She did not visit other countries, so she contracted the virus in Europe.

In Fiji, special mosquitoes carrying bacteria that hinder the reproduction of local insects and reduce their population are used to combat dengue vector mosquitoes.

Recall that the UN reported a new outbreak of monkeypox in Africa, with at least 88 cases reported, including 68 among refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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