Hero of Ukraine told with whom the Armed Forces were prepared to fight until 2014.

Ukrainian soldier preparing for war
Ukrainian soldier preparing for war

The Ukrainian army, before the start of the war with Russia, was consciously destroyed under the influence of political leadership. This was stated by Colonel Oleg Grudzevich, Hero of Ukraine and deputy commander of the 43rd separate mechanized brigade, in an interview with "Army TV".

He noted that the decline in the Armed Forces of Ukraine became noticeable from the beginning of his service in 2011. At that Time, everything was held together by the patriotism and enthusiasm of individual commanders. But the main potential enemy was not considered to be Russia, as stated in the doctrine of the troops.

Since 2007, we have viewed NATO and the West as potential adversaries. But our adversary became the Russians

According to the colonel, during the training of future military personnel, emphasis is placed on history. In the history of Ukraine, there were always wars with Russia. Therefore, he understood that in the event of war, it would be with the Russians.

Previously, Russian military reported cooperation with Ukrainian special services and partisan groups. They carry out sabotage operations, disable enemy equipment, and transmit important intelligence information to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Oleg Grudzevich, who has been participating in the war since the time of the ATO, also spoke about his regrets.

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