Iran has become more dangerous: Biden's "de-escalation" strategy did not work - Media.

Iran - danger, Biden's de-escalation strategy
Iran - danger, Biden's de-escalation strategy

The Middle East and the whole world are closer to war

The US president's administration publicly declared its desire to reach an agreement with Iran, but in fact, everything is moving in the opposite direction, reminds the editor of The Telegraph newspaper, Jake Wallis Simons. Criticism from allies can only contribute to changing the tactics of enemies, which currently leads to increased tension and a higher threat of conflict. In particular, this concerns the Middle East, where after the killing of HAMAS leader Ismail Haniya in Tehran, the likelihood of a full-scale war has increased. At the same Time, the ambiguous US strategy regarding Iran strengthens its position, not contributing to achieving stability in the region.

Previously, the Trump administration withdrew from the nuclear agreement with Iran, which led to a delay in the development of the country's nuclear program but increased the threat of conflict. Now, according to The Telegraph editor, Biden is using a "appeasement" tactic by lifting sanctions and providing Iran access to financial resources. This could have negative consequences and create additional threats for the region.

Source: ZN.UA

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