Italian journalists who filmed a report in Kursk region are returning home after threats from Russia.

Journalists returning home after Russian threats
Journalists returning home after Russian threats

Two Italian journalists who received threats from Russia over a report from the Ukrainian-controlled part of Kursk region will return to Italy. This was reported by the state broadcasting company Rai, writes Reuters.

The company decided to force journalist Stefania Battistini and cameraman Simone Traini to temporarily return to Italy, solely for the purpose of ensuring personal safety

Earlier this week, Rai reporters Stefania Battistini and Simone Traini aired a report on the advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kursk region - likely becoming the first foreign journalists to gain access there.

The reporters are scheduled to fly back to the Italian city of Milan on Sunday.

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that its ambassador Cecilia Piccioni explained to the Russian authorities that the Rai company and its news teams acted independently and autonomously.

Journalism is not a crime. The possibility that Moscow authorities might put Stefania Battistini and Simone Traini on trial is unacceptable. Journalistic activity is not carried out with prior permission

Let us recall, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Italian ambassador in Moscow Cecilia Piccioni over the coverage by journalists of the Italian state broadcasting company Rai of the fighting in Kursk region.

The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that Rai's team, working in Kursk region, grossly violated Russian legislation and basic rules of journalistic ethics. The Russian Foreign Ministry threatened the journalists with criminal liability.

The international organization Women Press Freedom strongly condemned the threats by the Russian authorities and pro-Kremlin bloggers against Italian journalist Stefania Battistini and her cameraman Simone Traini from the RAI television company, who are covering Ukraine's counter-invasion in Kursk region.

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