Kim Jong Un instructed to speed up the development of strike drones using artificial intelligence.

AI-powered strike drones
AI-powered strike drones

DPRK leader Kim Jong Un has ordered the intensification of development and production of new strike drones using artificial intelligence. This was reported by the state news agency KCNA.

It is necessary to develop and produce more kamikaze drones of various types for use in tactical infantry units and special operations units, as well as strategic reconnaissance and multipurpose drones

Kim Jong Un reviewed the tests of new unmanned systems developed by the Unmanned Systems Institute of the DPRK Academy of Military Sciences, during which he emphasized the need to create and mass-produce kamikaze drones of various types for tactical infantry units, special operations, as well as for strategic reconnaissance and multipurpose tasks.

He also emphasized the importance of developing maritime unmanned complexes and enhancing their combat capabilities, especially in the context of preparing for modern warfare. Kim Jong Un additionally drew attention to the importance of developing underwater strike drones and implementing artificial intelligence in these systems.

Recall that the United States and South Korea will begin large-scale military exercises on the Korean Peninsula with the participation of all types of troops, aimed at strengthening their forces' readiness to counter new military threats from the DPRK.

Full-scale war between Koreas will cost $4 trillion

As reported, the first year of a full-scale war between South Korea and the DPRK will cost the global economy about $4 trillion.

By the way, North Korea will open its borders to tourists from other countries for the first Time in almost five years, which have been closed since the Covid-19 pandemic began.

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