The End of Gas Dependency on Russia: The EU is Ready for a Radical Step.

European Union seeks alternative to Russian gas
European Union seeks alternative to Russian gas

European Commissioner Simson: Europe Can Manage Without Russian Gas

European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson reported that European gas reserves are at 95% - this will allow avoiding a deficit and keep prices stable.

The current agreement on the transit of Russian gas to Europe through Ukraine expires at the end of 2024, and Kyiv repeatedly stated it does not plan to extend it.

"Energy production from renewable sources continues to grow, and gas supplies are diversified. As you know, by the end of the year we will see the end of the gas transit agreement between 'Gazprom' and 'Naftogaz'. I confirmed to the ministers that we are ready for this. We knew that this contract would end by the end of the year. The Commission is working closely with the most affected member states to prepare for a zero transit scenario from January 1, 2025," said European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

Central and Southeastern Europe has diversified supply options to completely replace 14 billion cubic meters of Russian gas still transiting through Ukraine. There are new and existing LNG terminals, as well as various alternative supply routes for both LNG and pipeline gas.

"I have said this before and I will say it again: there are no excuses, the EU can manage without this Russian gas. If EU member states prefer to continue importing Russian gas and do it even beyond contractual capacities, or if they want to sign new agreements on new volumes, I want to emphasize: there is no need for it. It is a political choice that also carries danger," Simson said.

"We must remember that the costs of interaction with Russia are measured not only by the gas price but also by the lost lives in Ukraine," she emphasized.

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