Course for Reset: Lemmy Sets Off to China with a Mission to Improve Bilateral Relations.

Historic meeting between Lemmy and Chinese representatives
Historic meeting between Lemmy and Chinese representatives

The UK Foreign Secretary to Visit China Next Week

According to Reuters, the UK Foreign Secretary, David Lemmy, plans to visit China next week with the aim of reviewing the previous government's policy towards China.

Lemmy will discuss a number of issues with Chinese officials in Beijing and with representatives of British firms in Shanghai.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet provided any information on this visit, but it expressed hope for building a partnership with the UK.

According to sources, the UK Finance Minister, Rachel Reeves, also plans a trip to China in the near future.

The main goal of the visit is to resume trade and investment negotiations between the UK and China, which have not been held since 2019, as well as to plan new investments.

Relations between the countries are complicated by issues regarding Hong Kong, accusations of espionage, and the construction of a new Chinese embassy in London.

Nevertheless, the UK and China are important trade partners, with 5% of the total trade volume, proving the significance of trade relations between them.

The possibility of improving relations between the countries requires resolving differences and finding a common ground for cooperation.

Last year, a statement from the British government banning the import of products made with forced labor in China was supported by a high-ranking Labour MP in the UK.

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