International Doctor's Day: sincere greetings in prose, poems, and colorful cards.

International Doctor's Day: Greetings in prose.
International Doctor's Day: Greetings in prose.

Today, October 7, is celebrated as International Doctor's Day. This holiday falls on the first Monday of October.

The holiday was established in 1971 on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the organization "Doctors Without Borders" (MSF). On this day, humanity honors doctors of all specializations who often risk their lives and help people in difficult conditions such as war or epidemic.

Greetings for doctors in prose

Congratulations on International Doctor's Day! Your dedication and professionalism are true arts that give people hope for a healthy future. I wish you inexhaustible energy, gratitude from patients, and personal happiness. May your heart always be filled with joy!


Happy Doctor's Day! You are the ones who heal not only physical ailments but also emotional wounds. May your efforts bear fruit, and your work be recognized and highly valued. I wish you health, good luck, and many grateful patients!


Congratulations on International Doctor's Day! You are the true heroes of our Time, saving lives every day. I wish you health, inspiration, and happiness!


Happy holiday, our dear doctors! Your vocation is not just a profession, but a mission that requires great strength of spirit and a sincere heart. May your practice have more successful stories, and at home, may love and support from loved ones await. Happy Doctor's Day!


Congratulations on International Doctor's Day! Your knowledge and skills are invaluable gifts that help save lives. We wish you health, inspiration, and happiness in your personal life!

Greetings for Doctor's Day in poems

Bringing hope and health,

And fighting illnesses with zeal.

You have saved many lives,

Today we celebrate your day!

May all troubles pass you by,

May you have luck in your work.

Strong health and patience to you,

May your names be bathed in glory!


Your life - sleepless nights,

And medical art - a sacred task.

You learned without closing your eyes,

Skillfully returning health.

Today we've gathered to greet

And praise our idols

May every day be a celebration for you,

Health, happiness, joy, and peace!

Cards for Doctor's Day

Let us remind, today, October 7 - World Architecture Day, International Trigeminal Neuralgia Day, World Habitat Protection Day, and International Doctor's Day. Believers honor the day of memory of Saints Sergius and Bacchus.

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