Mogilevskaya spoke for the first time about raising adopted daughters and responded to hate regarding the adoption.

Mogilevskaya with adopted daughters, responds to hate
Mogilevskaya with adopted daughters, responds to hate

Natalia Mogilevskaya spoke about raising adopted girls

Ukrainian singer Natalia Mogilevskaya spoke for the first Time about raising adopted girls - Michelle and Sofia.

In her Instagram, the artist noted that she did not decide that she specifically wanted daughters.

"I did not choose and did not decide that I specifically wanted daughters. Although, they say, God gives a girl when a mother needs to work on her feminine qualities. I did not choose, I just loved them with all my heart. Now my home is filled with tenderness, fragility, and femininity. It is a great happiness to observe how little ladies grow," wrote Mogilevskaya.

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She added that she primarily wants to teach them dignity, chastity, and self-respect.

"Whatever they do, whatever mistakes and unpleasant events happen to them, they should know that I will always support and love them," shared the singer.

In addition, Natalia responded to rumors that she adopted the girls for publicity.

"It's strange to hear. I left my career at the peak of success 10 years ago and hardly released songs, and did not promote anything. Everyone understood that I was lonely and traveled somewhere to India. After that, I came back, adopted two children, and hid this for two years. There will always be those who see the world through the dark prism of their disappointments," the celebrity concluded.

Adoption details of the daughters revealed

Earlier, Mogilevskaya revealed the details of the adoption of the daughters. She stated that the girls were traumatized by the full-scale war. So they needed time to adapt. She added that she made the decision to adopt together with her beloved, whose name is Valentin.

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