The Ministry of Health checked the medical cases of prosecutors in Khmelnytskyi: six of them were caught cheating.

The Ministry of Health checked the medical cases of prosecutors in Khmelnytskyi
Перевірка медичних документів прокурорів у Хмельницькому виявила шість випадків шахрайства.

The prosecutors of the Khmelnytskyi region appealed to the Ministry of Health with a request to check the medical cases of the prosecutors.

According to the Ministry of Health, 78 cases were checked, of which 65 are already closed, and 13 are still under review.

It was found that six prosecutors do not confirm their disability status.

Three prosecutors received a new expert decision, while one decision complies with current legislation.

66 prosecutors must undergo a clinical examination at the Medical and Social Institute of Disability of the Ministry of Health.

About 50 prosecutors, including regional prosecutor Oleksiy Oliinyk, registered as disabled, possibly through a corruption scheme involving the head of the Khmelnytskyi regional MSEC center.

The Attorney General approved an investigation into this information.

Prosecutor Oleksiy Oliinyk denies the accusations and claims that he has health problems and was registered as disabled in 2017.

Tetiana Krupa and her son, Oleksandr Krupa, were detained for illegal enrichment, having found $6 million in cash during searches.

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