Possible Return of Trump to Power: Which Countries Will Suffer the Most - Media.

Image of Donald Trump in headquarters
Image of Donald Trump in headquarters

If Donald Trump becomes president, he will change the political situation in the USA. The Republican Party offers a document that outlines Trump's plans for governing the country. One of the key points is the program of deporting illegal immigrants and strengthening border control.

Also, tariffs are expected to increase and restrictions on trading partners. Trump has already announced his intention to impose import duties. Military aid might be reduced, and allies required to increase defense spending. This is reported by The Economist.

To assess the global consequences of such changes, the Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a ranking of the 70 largest trading partners of the USA. The "Trump Risk Index" ranking covers the impact of American policy on trade, security, and migration.

"If Trump wins the election, Mexicans and other immigrants who are legally or illegally in the USA will face tough migration rules," said the analyst.

High risk applies to Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Honduras. Low defense spending and dependence on American military aid contribute to this. Germany ranks third because Trump demands more defense spending.

"Trump's victory could result in reduced military aid to Ukraine and force allies to increase defense spending," reports the magazine.

China is one of the leading partners of the USA, but Trump waged a trade war with it during his first term. He threatened to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods.

Countries that do not depend on the USA have the lowest risk. Saudi Arabia has a low dependence on American trade, the Australian economy has reoriented to the Asia-Pacific region. Russia has finally distanced itself from Western clients.

"However, Trump may face opposition in implementing his policy. Many Republicans oppose the imposition of tariffs. Immigration restriction will meet resistance from the courts, Democrats, and businesses," noted the magazine.

Source: ZN.UA

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