Scottish volunteer killed in the war in Ukraine.

Photo of the death of the Scottish volunteer in Ukraine
Шотландський доброволець загинув, захищаючи Україну в боях.

Scottish volunteer killed in the war in Ukraine

26-year-old Jordan McLachlan joined the Ukrainian army almost three years ago and was killed during hostilities. He decided to help Ukraine right after the start of aggression and worked as a medic, helping others.

He was a cheerful son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend to many, and all who knew him will mourn him.

The British government promised to investigate the details of his death and is in communication with the Ukrainian authorities. Earlier, several other foreign volunteers have been killed in the war in Ukraine.

Example of devotion and sacrifice

The death of Jordan McLachlan and other foreign volunteers is a testament to the devotion and sacrifice of those who came to defend Ukraine. They dedicated their lives for the freedom and safety of our country.

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