«The Most Valuable Collection in History»: Unique Coins to Go on Auction.

Unique coins go under the hammer
Unique coins go under the hammer

The unique numismatic collection gathered over a lifetime by Danish entrepreneur Lars Emil Bruun will begin its auction at Stack's Bowers

In just a month, the auction of the unique numismatic collection, amassed by Danish entrepreneur Lars Emil Bruun, who died in 1923, will commence. Stack's Bowers describes this collection as «the most valuable collection in history», reports CNN.

Gathered by the Danish entrepreneur since childhood, the collection includes the most complete sets of coins and banknotes from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, some of which exist in a single copy. The number of items in this collection amounts to 20,000, and its insured value exceeds 72 million dollars.

Although Bruun made his fortune in the production and sale of Danish oil, he regarded numismatic collecting as his life's work. In one of his interviews, he said that work should not always occupy the main place in a person's life: «Through the collection, I find peace of mind. I can't always think about oil!».

After World War I and concerns over a possible war, Bruun left strict instructions regarding the collection in his will.

«100 years after my death, the collection will serve as a reserve for the Royal Collection of Coins and Medals», the will states. Only after this period could the collection be sold, and the proceeds given to the heirs.

The most valuable exhibit of the collection is considered to be the noble of King Hans from 1496. Hans was the king of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and the noble became the first gold coin minted in Denmark. At that Time, only 20 such coins were issued, and now it is valued at 662,000 dollars.

Along with 286 other lots, this coin will be auctioned on September 14. The value of the sold items is expected to exceed 14 million dollars on the first day alone. Before the auction starts, this collection can be viewed in Copenhagen for the next two weeks.

We remind you that the Ukrainian silver commemorative coin «Courage to Be.UA» won in the category «Best Contemporary Event Coin» at the international «Coin of the Year» competition and made it into the top ten coins in the world.

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