Named the day of the week when couples argue the most.

Week of love in the photo
Week of love in the photo

According to a recent study, all loving couples argue quite often. On average, partners have 312 arguments a year - almost daily. The most common Time for conflicts is between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM on Thursday, and most arguments occur in the bathroom or kitchen.

The researchers did not disclose a significant explanation for why this time and day of the week became the center of arguments. However, they identified several factors that often lead to quarrels. Mostly, conflicts start because of some unusual habits of one of the partners, such as stubble in the sink, wet towels on the floor, crumbs in bed, or scattered socks.

Another interesting statistic shows that 20% of couples consider divorce due to domestic incompatibility. Mostly, bad habits irritate women, but it is the men who seriously think about ending the relationship due to household problems, especially when negative attitudes are shown towards their domestic work. However, it is interesting that eight out of ten people are more likely to clean up after their partner rather than care about order, to maintain the relationship.

The reality is that there are no perfect couples where harmony lasts a lifetime. Over the years, harmony disappears and instead, arguments start over trivial details. Feelings cool down, which can eventually lead to divorce.

There are some signs that indicate one of the partners no longer wishes to continue the relationship but does not know how to communicate it. For example, they reproach you and make comments about almost everything. You notice that previously you received compliments, expressions of affection, or critical jokes, but now your partner is dissatisfied with almost every aspect of your personality, even those that previously fascinated them.

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