New summons with QR code: what will change in the mobilization process soon.

Mobilization QR code on new summons
Mobilization QR code on new summons

Ukraine plans to issue new format summons soon, which will contain a QR code.

This was reported by Kateryna Chornogorenko, Deputy Defense Minister for Digitalization, in a comment for DOU.

According to her, the new summons are already being tested and will be introduced soon.

The feature of the new summons will be the presence of a QR code, which will allow you to quickly verify their validity using the "Reserve+" application. With its help, users will be able to scan the code and receive information about the document, including:

  • Summon validity
  • Date and document number
  • TCC that issued the summon
  • Name of the person who signed the document
  • Purpose of the summon (data clarification, referral to the VLK, combat summon) and other details


It is worth mentioning that per Resolution No. 560, which came into effect on May 16, there are three types of summons:

  1. Summon for clarification of personal data and military registration document data from the "Oberig" register
  2. Summon for passing a medical commission to determine suitability for military service
  3. Summon for enlistment during mobilization and dispatch to places of service (so-called "combat" summon)

The new format of summons with a QR code is aimed at simplifying the document verification process and making the system more transparent for citizens.

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