UN unveils new evidence of Ukrainian torture by Russian invaders: details.

Torture of Ukrainians by Russian invaders
Torture of Ukrainians by Russian invaders

Independent international UN commission has found new evidence of Ukrainians being tortured by Russia in the occupied territories of Ukraine and in the Russian Federation. According to the Commission's report, torture has become a widespread practice, with the perpetrators feeling impunity.

The Commission's investigation revealed that the Russian authorities systematically used torture in the occupied regions of Ukraine. New evidence confirms the Commission's preliminary conclusion about the widespread use of this practice.

It is noted that the torture of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia was often carried out by specific services. The use of sexual violence is also a common and systematic method of torture.

The Commission emphasizes that some orders for cruel treatment were issued by senior Russian officials who either approved of or did not take measures to stop the abuse.

The head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine has also confirmed that Ukrainian prisoners of war are being tortured by Russian occupiers. After the prisoner exchange on May 31, every defender complained of torture by Russia.

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