Austin pointed to Putin's imperial foolishness and assessed whether he achieved strategic goals in Ukraine.

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Putin Putin Putin Putin Putin

Austin: Putin has not achieved his strategic goals

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has not achieved any of his strategic goals. He reported this in a publication for Foreign Affairs magazine.

After almost 1000 days of war, Putin has not achieved any of his strategic goals. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not flee. Kyiv did not fall. And Ukraine has not given up",

Russia's losses in this war have been very serious. Furthermore, Ukraine stands firm and has even strengthened.

The Ukrainian struggle began with soldiers setting up tank traps on the streets of Kyiv, and ordinary citizens making Molotov cocktails to protect their homes. This struggle continues today with battle-hardened Ukrainian military and security forces - and a rapidly developing Ukrainian defense-industrial base

Austin urged to continue opposing Putin's aggression and recognize the threats emanating from Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

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