The Poisoners of Ukraine: Russian Language and Mice in Patriotic Underpants.

Mice in patriotic panties - poisoners of Ukraine
Mice in patriotic panties - poisoners of Ukraine

The initiative of People's Deputy Pipa to force Russian-speaking children to speak Ukrainian, contrary to all laws and common sense, is the best illustration that the political culture of our Piedmont—Lviv can generate nothing but a stupid, limited corrupt mouse in "patriotic underpants". This mouse, furiously shouting about decommunization, will reproduce all the elements of communist policy as a screen covering greedy snouts reaching into budget flows while the Second Republic's cow carcass, blue from hunger, writhes in agony.

In fact, Lviv politicians have done their utmost to hasten this agony. Russians can award Pipas with medals by the dozen because in 33 years, they have fulfilled all of Russia's tasks in destroying Ukrainian statehood.

Lviv residents don’t even understand how ridiculous they look when they hang signs in Lviv, like the one in the photo. Why emphasize that you speak Ukrainian in Lviv when everyone around is already speaking it?

In reality, Lviv's problem is its inability to change, so, having achieved almost everything the MOVEMENT wanted in the state's cultural policy, Lviv people suddenly discovered that it changes nothing in essence. You can write 1,000 times that you need to speak Ukrainian, but it doesn't change the fact that children speak Russian if they want to and their families want it. And then what's left... well, maybe just to beat the children with rods, because Lviv's deputies need to somehow justify their existence to their voters. And the deputy from the bankrupt "Voice" (and before that - the bankrupt "Self-Reliance") understands that elections are coming soon, and the language issue can be sold forever, since Lviv remains an nonadaptive province, muttering incoherently "Abyrvalg" in the spirit of Sharikov and literally reproducing the sharikovism of the much-disliked Bulgakov.

The most tragicomic thing is that both the Ukrainian-speaking children of Pipa's voters and Russian-speaking children, whom the narrow-minded Pipa wants to force to speak Ukrainian with a stick of collapsing "education", all dream together of escaping the absurd paradise of the Second Ukrainian Republic. And why not want to, if it can offer nothing but suffering, idiocy, and the irresponsibility of an elite ready to spout any nonsense to cover up budget theft—even if that nonsense is essentially suicidial. And these children leave Ukraine at the first opportunity, while the "Pipas" craft yet another stupid tale in the spirit of the Cabinet's demographic strategy until 2050. What demographic strategy, idiots, when people are fleeing from you like cockroaches from dichlorvos.

Another irony lies in the fact that the more "Pipas" destroy the Ukrainian state, the more refugees arrive from the East to Lviv, irreversibly changing its social structure. Lviv residents, be vigilant! Although I am sure that greed will still prevail, and apartments will be sold to those from the "East", no matter how bitterly their Russian language grates... After all, it's been this way always :)

I don't know... Or maybe it's an unconscious strategy of the "Pipas"? Sensing their impotence in essence, they accelerate the collapse of the Ukrainian state to achieve more through a Bolshevik "to the ground, and then we will build a new world, those who were nothing will become everything"? But we understand that this naive belief in repeating the UPR will end as it always has in the history of Ukraine—with occupation.

Therefore, the task of diverting Ukraine from catastrophe will have to be resolved by directly opposite methods because "Piedmont" has ensured the total organizational and ideological collapse of the Second Republic. We've arrived!

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